Markdown blog - pt. 1

I've been using Grav for about 6 months, but recently I started thinking "What would it take to make something similar?".

So I have started a little hobby project running Laravel, building a flatfile CMS/blog. I know there are plenty of them out there, but this is purely for fun, and for my self, I'm not planning on this being the next big thing.

I'm also aware that I started another hobby project earlier this year, building a social media poster, it's not dead, it's just resting. :joy:


There are a couple of things I would like to try out, and in this project these are some of them, most are Laravel specific:

  • Pest
  • Prompts
  • Livewire
  • Caching


The main goals are to have a website/blog running on markdown files. Page structure should be managed by the folder structure.

As with the previous project, I want to get more familiar with TDD.

I also want to share the progress and thoughts on this blog, hopefully the final blog post will be running on this project. As I wrote in the previous project, I've never been comfortable with sharing my code before, but I also want to get a bit out of my comforzone on that point.

Final notes

At the times of writing this, I've started work on the frontpage and the Pest tests covering what I have there at the moment and a console command for generating basic folder structure and config for a blog post.

I have created a public repository on Github if you want follow along.

Also keep checking in here or follow me on Mastodon on

// ASH